Monday, 12 October 2015


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

One of the most dramatic covers ever drawn was the one
in 1968/'69.  In 2007, that tale was reprinted in two parts in The
MIGHTY WORLD Of MARVEL #s 57 & 58 and the cover was
given a superb, up-to-date re-colouring job that I'd say made it look
better than ever.  However, don't take my word for it - there it is
above in all its pulse-pounding glory.  The right foot is perhaps
turned in a bit too far, but that apart, it's a spectacular pic.


  1. Agree this looks great. This is one of my all time favourite covers (an 2 of my favourte characters) itr wasn't a bad story either. Great stuff,

  2. And I've got the original SS #4, McScotty (and the rest of them). Ain't I lucky?

  3. I know a lot of folk say the Silver Surfer (1960s/70) series was boring with his constant moaning about losinghis "burd" and planet but at the time (as a kid) I loved it especially the idea that a character like that (not realy a premier character) having his own comic. Issue 12 is a treasured posetion of mine to this day (saying that I got a bit bored reading some of these stories in the "Super-Heroes" weekly UK comic)

  4. Perhaps they need to be savoured monthly or bi-monthly, McScotty, rather than weekly. And they do look far better in colour. I'd had 3 or 4 issues of SS before The Super-Heroes started reprinting them, but it was within its pages that I first encountered most of the tales.

  5. The only issue of The Super-Heroes I ever had was No.9 which was the one with the Surfer vs. Frankenstein but the first Marvel Essentials volume I ever bought was the one collecting all the issues of Silver Surfer (18 wasn't it ?) - and when you read them one after the other they do become very tedious with his constant self-pitying and moaning about how humanity isn't worthy of him etc. I'm not surprised it was cancelled really.

  6. It's like anything 'though, CJ - if you overdo it, it's boring. If you try watching more than one episode at a time of the original Gerry Anderson shows, they seem incredibly boring. In fact, even just watching one can sometimes be tedious.


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