Saturday, 10 October 2015


Copyright relevant owner

More TOM KERR artwork from 1969 & '70, in the form of KIT CARTER'S CLARKS COMMANDOS, a strip used to advertise a popular brand of shoes.  The ads appeared in various weekly comics for boys, and probably other types of periodicals as well.  If you're around my age (clue - radiocarbon dating methods are required to determine just how old I am), then this will whisk you back in time faster than you can blink.  Six more episodes still to come in part four, chums!


  1. Hmm, bit odd how the farmer tears a strip off the Commandos for trespass, but that tyke and his kite have disappeared completely...

    I recall reading these strips in the few issues of Buster that I had - I was pretty impressed by the way they managed to work in a plug for the shoes, without overdoing it.

  2. I wonder whether the artist was paid by Clarks or the publishers, BS? The latter, I suspect.

  3. Love seeing these comics (bit before my time, but I work with the Clarks point of sale artwork and haven't come across these before!!) - would love to know where you got the images from???

  4. The images originally appeared in comics like Valiant, Smash, Look & Learn, etc., Karina. They were popular comics for kids back in the '60s & '70s, published by IPC Magazines.

  5. AHHHH!! Thanks, Kid for that information.. much appreciated!!! :) :) :)
    I'll look into getting in touch with them as we don't have much in the way of that advertising...

  6. IPC don't produce comics anymore (and haven't done so since around 1987) and are unlikely to be able to help you. Just click on the images to enlarge them, click again for optimum size, then save them in a file. They were adverts paid for by Clarks, so you probably own the copyright anyway. Tom Kerr was the artist.

  7. Happy New Year, Kid!!!

    I was hoping to bother you again for some more info about IPC and Tom Kerr if that's possible, please??? However I can't seem to find a way to contact you.... ?

  8. And a happy New Year to you, too. If you send me your contact details (which I won't publish), I'll get in touch. Alternately, you could just Google Search Tom Kerr and IPC.


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