Friday, 30 October 2015



From WHAM! #20, cover-dated October 31st 1964, comes FRANKIE STEIN, drawn by - yep, you guessed it - KEN REID.  Just think - over 50 years old and still miles ahead, art-wise, of a lot of the stuff that appears in the few surviving kids' comics of today.  We were spoiled back then, and no mistake!


  1. Yep, Ken Reid was on top of his game with these strips. Love the phonetic accents too, and this one seemed to have more than the fair share of crazy faces and written sound effects. And you're right - where can you find humour strips of this quality today? Thanks for posting.

  2. My pleasure, PC. Always good to hear from a discerning reader. There are, of course, some good artists still working in British comics today, but I can't really think of anyone in Ken Reid's League when he was at the top of his game.


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