Sunday, 4 October 2015


DALEKS copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION

I used to own this little beauty when I was a kid.  MARX TOYS did a lot of great stuff in their day, a shame they're not still around.  Anyone else have this DALEKS bagatelle?  (Update November 2024: And now I own it again.)


  1. They had loads of these types of bagatelle thingies around when I was growing up. The mechanism never varied much,but I loved the different themed backdrops. Still get a shiver of delight when I see them. Proper little time portals...

  2. The ones I remember having, Moony, are the Daleks and Fireball XL5 bagatelles. Would love to have them again. Was lucky enough to acquire a Yogi Bear one a little while back, but I don't think I ever had it as a kid.

  3. Never actually saw one of these " in the flesh ". Along similar lines, I did buy the " War Of The Daleks " board game in the 70's for my brother's Christmas, only to discover on Xmas Day, that the centre part was broken!
    So I had to drive to the town I had bought it from on the 27th with no receipt and no guarantee that they would have any left in the hope of an exchange. But our luck was in! ( Phew!)

  4. I wish someone would re-release those Marx Bagatelles, JP - I'd snap them up. I've got one of the Daleks from the game you mention, but never had the game itself.

  5. I recall getting similar items like this as a kid, either called "Bagatelles" or "Pinball" just to confuse us Americans!

  6. Two names for the same thing, Chris - both equally valid. Pinball is a name I associate more with American gangsters 'though.

  7. I bet!

    Of course when I think of Bagatelle, I'm thinking of some fancy bread item. (yes, Baguettes)

  8. You're making me hungry, Chris.


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