Monday, 19 October 2015


Be still, my beating heart.  Whose pulse doesn't
quicken at the sight of heavenly honey MARTINE
BESWICK?  Oi, put down your hand, GRAHAM
NORTON - you weren't being asked.


  1. It's a bit of a coincidence that Martine Beswick should be your Babe of the Day today, because I just happened to watch the DVD of Dr Jekyll and Sister Hyde last night. The box says "Running time 94 minutes", but in my case it was closer to 2 hours. There were several points in the film where I found (for some inexplicable reason) that I had to keep pressing the Rewind, Freeze-Frame and Slow-Forward buttons.

  2. H'mm, makes me want to see it again, AM - I must see if it's on YouTube. She sure is a darlin'.


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