Tuesday, 20 October 2015


Here's another problem I've been getting for a while that someone may be able to help with.  After I've been on my blog for an hour or so (sometimes not as long), certain words disappear from the screen.  It also happens in the comments section when I'm typing out a reply, and the letters are completely invisible.  So, what's up, Doc?

(Update: Got myself a new computer since this post was first published, so no longer a problem.)


  1. Well it looks like the page is being parsed correctly but the output is rubbish. Possibly a mismatch between your browser and the gdi+ library it uses. I'm not sure what the installation policy for that library is, but they used to distribute it and install it the application directory because it was updated so frequently. If it's not installed there, windows will connect it to the first global version of that library it encounters in its search path. If you've installed new software recently, that might've monkied with it.

    If this is the case, the safest thing would be to update the library file in the application directory with the correct gdiplus.dll. But... before you start monkeying, you need to pin down exactly what the problem is, otherwise, trouble could be ahead...

  2. Maybe it's Blogger's way of telling me I spend too much time on the site. That'll be why the screen goes blank after a while, perhaps. Sometimes it's bold or italicized letters that vanish, other times it's both - and sometimes there are no letters at all on view.

  3. If it's specific to Blogger, then it's might be some problem with cached files, you know a template or something, you could try clearing the cache, but do it site wise, else you could delete passwords you've forgotten.

    Google is hopeless at maintaining code, they haven't even been able to parse blog entries legibly in their readings list, how many years has have they been doing that? I get a bunch of errors on Blogger that make accessing features a pain, nothing this bad though.

  4. It only seems to happen on Google Chrome - I've emptied the cache and done all the other things, but nothing seems to work. Funnily enough, when I edited the Chitty post, only the bold words were in evidence at the edit stage, not the others ones. With the previous problem, that only seems to happen on my Blogger page and eBay. Strange.


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I reserve the right to edit comments to remove swearing or blasphemy, and in instances where I consider certain words or
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