Thursday 10 September 2015


Don't you just love going through other people's mail if you get the chance?  I rediscovered this assortment of letters and postcards earlier this evening, and decided to put them up for you to have a rummage through.  I'm not claiming that any of them are especially fascinating, but they each have their own small story to tell - and look at the events to which I was invited but never bothered attending.


  1. Thanks, AJ. Gotta fill these blog posts somehow, eh?

  2. It's interesting that you save all these things, Kid - when my father died in 1999 I found that he'd saved every electricity bill going back to 1984...??

  3. Not sure I meant to save them at the time, CJ. I just put them aside and they accumulated. Then, after years of lying about, it's kind of hard to throw them away.

  4. I would have kept them too. I have kept letters from comics, TV, etc. myself , including one from Mrs. Harris ( Rolf's wife ). Actually THAT one, I gave to my younger daughter, but she still has it, along with some Father Ted stuff.

  5. Father Ted? Oh, go on, go on, go on, JP.


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