Tuesday 15 September 2015


I'd wanted to show a video clip of these little beauties in action, but unfortunately, by the time I've finished winding up the second one, the first one has already wound down.  (How do you wind up a DALEK?  Tell it The Doctor can kick its @rse!)

Also, not being 'bump 'n' go', if they hit something they stop, not change direction, so a clip wouldn't have been that exciting anyway, I'm afraid.  So you'll just have to settle for a few photos of them posing prettily on my bathroom floor, specially mopped for the occasion, as it's a little know fact that Daleks are highly allergic to urine.  Am I taking the p*ss?  You decide.

These PRODUCT ENTERPRISE Daleks were based on the CODEG ones from the 1960s, and although I think I'd have preferred exact replicas, they're still very nice items indeed.

And here are the originals for you to compare...


  1. I still prefer these to the Marx Daleks (I used to have the original blue head). I liked the way they would spin around and change direction, whilst their head moved from side to side - much more realistic!
    Hey, here's an idea - juzt video ONE of 'em!

  2. But then the other one would get jealous, JP. (I probably will do, but I'll have to use a bigger floor 'cos they stop when they hit the skirting board.)


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