Wednesday 9 September 2015


"Even a man who is pure of heart and says his
prayers at night, may become a wolf when the wolf-
bane blooms, and the moon is full and bright."

At first it was "when the Autumn moon is bright",
but that was rather limiting, season-wise.  There were
other variations - sometimes it was "pure at heart", or
"says his prayers by night", but the meaning was the
same.  LON CHANEY Junior made a career out of
playing LARRY TALBOT it seems, but he did it
so well.  Enjoy the trailer.


  1. I could be completely wrong here but wasn't 'The Wolf-Man' set in Wales ? The werewolf make-up looks a bit silly though compared with later films like 'An American Werewolf In London'. One of the scariest werewolf movies I've ever seen is 'Dog Soldiers'.

  2. I believe it was set in Wales, CJ, but there wasn't a trace of a Welsh accent around for miles. Don't ask me what accent Anthony Hopkins was doing in the relatively recent remake - I don't think even he knew.

  3. Kid, I remember watching a film called (I think) 'Murder Not Proven' made in the '50s starring Ann Todd which was set in Edinburgh but you hardly heard a Scottish accent and Ann Todd sounded posher than the Queen !

  4. And don't forget John Wayne's convincing accent in The Greatest Story ever told.


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