Thursday 3 September 2015


Here's a great DALEK image from over on
check it out for more great pictures.  This one's inspired
by the cover of the very first 1960s book, but there are
also Dalek strips based on the continuity created by
the writers and artists of TV CENTURY 21.


  1. Wow! What a find! You KNEW I'd LOVE these, didn't you?!
    Off to read 'em all now and must send him some feedback!
    What a scoop!
    ( "EXTERMINATE!" )

    P.S. Iain has done a Dalek / Mechanoid story too on his blogspot.
    Some nice Anderson pix on his website, too?

  3. Did it especially for you, JP. And me as well, of course. I'm off to take a look at that link.

    1. If was only the other day that you were telling me that you'd like some more TV21/Daleks pages and then you find this site!
      I've had a very good day! Cheers!

  4. I've got to do something to try and lure you back from the 'dark side', JP. Blimey, whatever can I be talking about?

    1. No, I don't go near that Dark Web!
      Anyway, you need to sign up with A.O. HELL and search on Wickedpedia and all that!
      BTW, Iain from plastic comics, expressed an interest in Crivens, so I sent him a link, citing you as "my good mate"!!

  5. Och, and I gave you such a good clue as to what I was talking about as well. I think you missed it, JP. Thanks for the kind words to Iain.

  6. It's quite a testament to the power of good design and the staying power of these iconic British beasties that they can still inspire new generations of artists to turn out work of this quality all these years later!

  7. Indeed it is, PC. The TV21 Daleks weren't entirely accurate, but there was something about them that captured the spirit of the TV versions - maybe even surpassed them. Raymond Cusick should have got more than just a £100 bonus from the BBC for his interpretation of Terry Nations description.

  8. Thanks for the kind comments on my Dalek comics and art. Didn't think anyone looked at that stuff any more. Really must update the site one of these days.

  9. A pleasure, Iain. There's another Daleks site in my blog list - you should check it out (if it's not another of yours).

  10. Kid, have you ever seen any of the Altered Vistas Dalek's Chronicles videos, where some of the TV21 back pages are brought to life in CGI? There are some clips on YouTube.
    Anyway, so far we've got strips from 5 out of 7 annuals, 104 TV21 pages, 6 pages of Return Of The Elders, Countdown to Extinction due for inclusion in the next Vwoorp, Vwoorp! And now Iain's CGI pages - plenty of material there for TWO hardback Graphic novels, I reckon!
    [ BTW, I replied to your comment over on Cerebus's!]

  11. Yup, I've seen them before, JP - great stuff. I see Jim's Daleks Site in my bloglist has gone missing - I wonder what's happened to it. Did you ever visit it?

    1. I did, I'll have a look for it again.

      Jim's Dalek site.

  12. I also did a TV21 style comic for Project Dalek. Well, three chapters. I can send you them if you like? It's unfinished as I ran out of steam... as usual. :(
    I created TV21 covers for each chapter.

  13. If you like, although I'd suggest putting them on YOUR blog and I'll post a link to them. That way, your site will get the visits.

    1. I second that, it would be great to see them, Iain!

  14. Kid, you know your excellent Marvel UK cover/splash page serieses? I'd love to see a DW Classics Comics series, if you've got them all. Took my eye off the ball in the 90's and missed them!

  15. JP, I meant to tell you something and forgot. Someone was selling a complete set of DWCC on eBay not that long ago. Might be worth checking to see if they're still available. I will be doing a cover gallery of them in the not too distant future.

    1. Can't see them today, can you remember how much the set was going for?

  16. I don't think it was too dear, JP - somewhere around the £30-£40 mark. (That could have been a starting bid 'though, can't remember.) Ta, but the link in my bloglist seems to be working again now, it wasn't earlier. The Look & Learn link is on the blink now.

      Got loads of 'em, myself!

  17. JP, go to the eBay page and type Doctor Who Classic Comics into the eBay search box. Five pages of the mag will come up. Skip to page 5, and at the bottom of the page are links to Doctor Who items. Click on the top one - Doctor Who Classic Comics ( and you'll be taken to a page where 8 issues (including the first 5) are on sale for £4.99 each - near mint. Even if you buy just the first ish, you're on you're way.

  18. Yeah, I could already get into the site by Googling it, JP, but when I use the link in my bloglist, I get a message telling me there's a server error. Take a look at the site - you can get a 48 issue series of the best of Look & Learn, which includes The Trigan Empire from the start, along with a facsimile of the original first issue and free gift. The price - £39.99. I've got them (I also bought the binders, which are a separate purchase) and they're absolutely bloody brilliant.

    1. You've got me confused with our Brad! - He's the one with loads of money!

  19. Get 'your' Brad to buy them for you then. What's the use of being related to a Hollywood superstar if you don't take advantage of him.


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