Wednesday, 23 September 2015


Again, just because I love it.  And you should love it too - I insist!


  1. I didn't think there was going to be a Daldks Annual this year. There wasn't one advertised iny parents' Brian Mills catalogue. But, when I did chance upon this book late in the year in my Grandparents' local newsagents, I snatched it up straight away! What a lucky day! Otherwise, I would probably not known of its existance!
    The following hear I did search EVERYWHERE for a fourth annual, but it wasn't to be.

  2. Did you pick up the four '70s Daleks Annuals, JP? There were some nice TV21 reprints in a couple of them.

    1. I didn't see the '76 or '79 ones in the shops, but I did browse through the other two. The trouble was, I'd not been married long and didn't have much spare cash at the time, so I had to pass on them.
      In recent years, I have tried to get all 4 off EBay, but I've always been outbid, as they went for silly prices.
      Luckily, though, I have managed to get all 4 on pdf and I'm overjoyed at that!

  3. I've got a simple solution to solve your cash problems, JP - sell the wife. Then you can hunt down all the Dalek books on eBay.

  4. I couldn't do that, she's probably the only one alive who's put up with me!

  5. Oh well, you'd probably better keep her then. (But think of those Dalek books.)


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