Thursday 24 September 2015


Image copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

They should have made the dolphin that week's playmate, I think.  Far more interesting than that little grandstander CANDY, who's doing her upmost to upstage the magnificent mammal (who we'll call DOLLY) by simply holding a fish out to grab.  What's so clever about that?  It's Dolly who's doing all the work.

Just as well I wasn't there.  I'd have grabbed Candy by the ankle and dangled her over the pool for Dolly the dolphin to do some devastating damage to the dim and dizzy little damsel - like eat her.  Or do you think that's a bit harsh?  Sounds like a good plan to me.  Save the fish - feed a child to a dolphin today!

Hooray!  Only one more playmate page to go!


(Danny or Dolly?  Confused?  See the comments section.)


  1. Nice drop shadow from the slight misalignment of the registration there.Slightly different style of illustration too,quite a heavy outline.

  2. Y'know, I haven't really paid them much attention, DSE, so I couldn't say whether the pages are by the same artist or not. Someone's bound to know. I'd imagine different artists were involved, which, if so, would explain the difference in style you notice.

  3. Hmmm of all the things to portray California. At least they didn't use the orca. Usually it's the beach or Hollywood or San Francisco because when you think of California you think....marine park.

  4. When I think of California, I usually think......h'mm, nothing comes to mind. I guess I just never think of California.

  5. Kinda looks like the same illustrator but if the artwork came in a bit washy as it looks here, they wouldn't be above creating some line work for the print job. It's a tough subject to do, that crowd scene is a bit challenging.

  6. I'd have to study them side-by-side to determine whether they're by the same artist or not (which I can't be bothered doing), but you could well be right.

  7. Kid, the text on the picture says the dolphin is called Danny - you renamed him and gave him a sex change. And you can't think of anything to do with California ?? What about Hollywood for starters...

  8. Hell's bells, CJ, you don't expect me to read the bloody things as well, do you? Remember, it's America. Danny/Dolly is a transgendered dolphin who can't quite make up his/her mind on whether he/she's a boy or a girl. In fact, even Candy used to be a boy called Colin before he had the operation. And I agree - what about Hollywood?

  9. This really should've been Florida instead. At least when I think of dolphins, I think Florida.

    Of course as a kid up here in the 1980's wintry Ohio wastelands, we had this!

  10. Thanks for the links, Chris - I'll take a look. Why do I suddenly hear the Flipper theme song running through my head?

  11. They call him Flipper, Flipper, Fasting then lightning,
    No one you see, is smarter than he!

  12. I dunno. I think Yogi Bear is smarter than the average dolphin.


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