Thursday 3 September 2015


How the memories come flooding back on sight of this record cover.  I bought mine in a chemist's shop in the Westwood Square shopping precinct around either 1976 or '77.  I'd bought the PINK PANTHER Holiday Special for '76 when it first came out (might have been the same year, might not), and I remember reading it while listening to the record.  I seem to recall the one I had being in red or orange plastic, but my recent replacement is the usual black pressing for a 45rpm.  I also seem to recollect that there were two tunes on the B side, the other perhaps being Theme From HATARI, but I could be mistaken about that.

Ah, the '70s.  I thought I was going to live forever, and summer days seemed to last for far longer than they do now.  My parents were out that night, and I have an idea they may actually have been away on a fortnight's holiday, so, either way, the sense of freedom was palpable.  Only myself, my brother, and our dog TARA were in residence on that summer evening of around 40 years ago, and looking back now, I wish I could have those days back again in all their halcyon glory.  Why doesn't life come with a rewind button?   Now wouldn't that be something?!

(Incidentally, I still have my original PP Holiday Special.  Here's a piccie of it for you to feast your eyes on.)

Looking at the date on the back of the record cover makes me wonder.  In 1971, I lived across the road from the shops where I purchased this 45 (we moved in June '72), and it's entirely possible that the single sat in the spinner-rack, waiting for me to buy it in '76 or '77.  If so, I could've owned it four or five years earlier.  Maybe it was inevitable that one day it would be mine, eh?  Cue TWILIGHT ZONE theme.


  1. Looks like a standard "Gold Key" cover on that Holiday Special.

    Unusual take on the Pink Panther for that record cover. It's almost like they did want to get into hot water with the original owners so they changed his ear shape, ruffed up his fur a bit and gave him glasses.

  2. Could well be, Chris. The interiors were a mix of American strips (Gold Key I assume) and British ones from the weekly TV Comic. As for the record cover, it's more likely they didn't want to pay the fee for using the authorized image, so plumped for a close approximation.

  3. Wouldn't surprise me. They could've easily gone the route of something that doesn't even resembling the character if they went the abstract route.

  4. Note that the Panther is wearing spectacles on the record cover, Chris. So it's obviously a different Panther, eh? (Wink!)

  5. His ears are also pointy, not curved, but yes, different guy!


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