Friday 25 September 2015


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From the pages of TV EXPRESS WEEKLY (or one of its name variants), comes another couple of strips featuring HUCKLEBERRY HOUND and YOGI BEAR.  I'd guess that not too many American readers will have ever seen these before as I believe they were produced in Britain, rather than being mere reprints of U.S. material.   If you know different, let me know in the comments section, HB fans.


  1. ....But did you know that Huckleberry Finn was actually named after Huckleberry Hound?

  2. Er, isn't that the other way around?

  3. John may be right - it's well known that Tom Sawyer was named after Tom from Tom & Jerry. I can't remember much about Huckleberry Hound but I did watch the cartoon - I must have a look on YouTube.

  4. He was a big star in his day - 'til Yogi eclipsed him. The early merchandise usually had Huck & Yogi together, then Yogi became the big cheese and got his own line of merchandise.


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