Saturday 5 September 2015


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Recently, NETWORK released a SUPERMARIONATION Blu-ray boxed set, which included a special one-off new edition of TV21 - issue #243 to be precise, following the numbering of the last edition of the original series of the famed '60s comic.

However, it had already been done!  In 2010, FANDERSON produced a 20-page special issue for their convention that year.  I recently got my hands on one (above) and it's a very nice package indeed.  It includes an in-depth interview with artist MIKE NOBLE, as well as two pages of FIREBALL XL5 (printed from the original art), plus a variety of other interesting contents.

Here, cop a gander...

And don't forget the Network edition of TV Century 21 #1, a booklet that was included with the Fireball XL5 DVD boxed set, released in 2009.  Here are the front and back covers to remind you of just what it looked like.


  1. I didn't know of the existences of either of these, Kid. Thanks for bringing it to our attention and for the lovely piccies.
    ( Click, click - gotta have 'em!! )

  2. Nae bother, JP. Keep checking back, because I plan to update the Fanderson TV21 photos when I get a chance.

  3. JP, I updated the FTV21 pages this afternoon, but wasn't happy with the covers, so I've done them again. I got the comic's number wrong in the jpg name last time, so it's now correct if your finger's near that clicking button.

  4. ...And I've found them again, Kidda!

  5. Great, aren't they? Better than the one you bought recently would you say?

  6. Love to see them in their entrity.
    Bit disappointed with the artwork in #243, but hey, nobody can match up to the old greats!
    However, I just HAD to ( just! ) order the postcards as well. Should arrive after xmas now! ( 'er indoors, don't forget! )

  7. I got the postcards for free in a special promotional offer, JP, so it's good to have the comic and the cards together. As for the artwork, I'd say that John Burns' Lady Penelope was the one action strip that wouldn't have looked out of place in the original TV21.


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