Thursday 3 September 2015


Guess what, fellow Criv-ites?  A certain Scottish publisher is wanting to pay me me for the first of several submissions which was published last week in one of their famous weekly periodicals.  I've politely declined their kind offer of payment and informed them that they can publish the other items I submitted completely free of charge, if they so wish.  I'm just that sort of a guy - happy to see the fruits of my labour in print.

I'm not going to reveal anything about what it was or which publication it was for, but it's nice to know that it was considered worthy of public perusal in the paper periodical it appeared in.  I'll maybe tell you the full story one day, but, for now, I'm keeping the details to myself.  After all, I have to keep something for a rainy day - other than an umbrella and a sou'wester I mean.
Any developments, I'll keep you posted - eventually.


  1. Congrats but next time take the money dude!

  2. Nah, money means nothing to me. (my creditors, on the other hand, take an entirely different view.)

  3. Just give us ONE clue - have we already seen it in the past?

  4. You may well have if you've read the particular publication in the past. However, it may not be what you're thinking it might be, JP.

  5. Send me the money. My shelf can always used another comic ..... Ok maybe not I need a new shelf it's over flowing

  6. Phil, I need a Tardis - I'm running out of room for my stuff.

  7. Great news Kid, I assume it's artwork or is a written piece?

  8. Keeping it a secret for the mo. DSE. 'Though it might not be what people expect.

  9. The bridge looks nice, I didn't know they had electricity up there. I suppose they've got plumbing indoors too?

  10. They did the last time I was there. Nice place.


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