Sunday 13 September 2015


A couple or so years ago, I showed the second edition of the PINK PANTHER car (released by MECCANO, who once owned DINKY) and promised to one day show the first version once I had dug it out of a box in my cupboard.  Well, that day is finally here (I usually get around to doing things eventually), so feast your eyes, Panther fans.

And don't forget the opening and closing credits of  the Pink Panther show - sing along now...

And let's not forget his original theme tune...


  1. They did a pretty good job getting the car down pat.

    Recall the the car made news nearly a decade ago as whoever had it had sold it on eBay (it's referred to as "The Pinkmobile" BTW). Here's some links!

  2. It's a cracking design, Chris. I'd like a proper model, with opening side doors and an interior like the car on TV. Ta for the links.

  3. I haven't seen the Pink Panther opening credits for decades, Kid !! The cartoon version of Inspector Clouseau is much better than the Peter Sellers film version in my opinion - controversial !!

  4. Crivens! Shock sensation! I agree with you, CJ - much funnier.


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