Saturday 19 September 2015


Didn't we kids have it great back in the 1960s?  Do you remember the CENTURY 21 33 r.p.m. mini albums of various GERRY ANDERSON puppet programmes that used to be available in shops?  The only one I ever actually owned at the time was INTRODUCING CAPTAIN SCARLET, but I've picked up a few others over the years, either in originals, cassette tape re-issues in the '90s, or CD facsimiles issued by FANDERSON.  Here are a few for your perusal - enjoy the memories. 

And below is one of Fanderson's original productions.  If you're interested in joining the club and gaining access to all the goodies on offer, you can find a link in my blog list.  (Update: Now deleted, after they wanted me to renew my year's membership after only 5 months.)


  1. Is Barry Gray wearing a pair of Joe 90 specs?

  2. Actually, Baab, Joe 90 wore Barry's specs. Not a lot of people know that. (Mainly because I just made it up.)

  3. So what does Marina say? Bloop?

  4. A beautiful array, Kid!
    Wish I had them all!


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