Saturday 26 September 2015


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

As I've said a million times (at least) before, it's amazing how our perception of time seems different at various stages through our lives.  Case in point:  The above periodical came out a mere four years, eight months after my purchase of The FANTASTIC FOUR #126 on Friday 6th October 1972.  Nowadays, to me, such a period passes (yes, here it comes) faster than a fart from The FLASH, but back in 1977, a huge gulf seemed to exist between the two dates.

The reason why FF #126 now springs to mind is because the first part of the tale was reprinted in CAPTAIN BRITAIN #35, and extremely glad I was to see it again, even if only in black and white.  I've now got three pristine replacements of that classic FF mag, but CB's reprint of it resonates in my memory just as much as its original printing.

Anyway, I'm sure you don't visit this blog to read the piffle that I write (though feel free to disagree and tell me you hang on my every word), so I'll give my typing finger a rest and let you now consume the cataclysmic covers and comic pages that lay before you.  If any fond memories of your distant youth resurface as you peruse these pulsating panels, feel free to share them in the comments section.

After all, what's the point in keeping them to yourself?


  1. It brings back memories, but none of them is of Captain Britain.

    The Nick Fury page reminds me of Avengers #72, which revealed Scorpio's identity.

    The cover scene reminds me of various other stories, where Spider-Man, Daredevil, Captain America, and the Flash said that they were quitting.

    And the cover blurb, "The Greatest Superhero of All," reminds me of the Danger Mouse theme song.

  2. And Superman, TC - don' forget Supes. He's quit a few times before, too.

  3. This would be the time when the Apes made their last appearance in Marvel Comics. I didn't bother with TMWOM any more after Drac went too.
    Now then, in case you are thinking, "Oh no, only 2 more posts to do in this series, what I going to DO?"
    Well.... it doesn't HAVE go end there! - You could continue with the seasonal specials & annual, and then follow CB's appearances in Super Spider-Man and Marvel Comic.
    I wouldn't mind. Honest!

  4. Actually, the first combined ish of CB & SSM will be included in the last post in this series, JP. I gave them all away in the late '70s, but just over a year ago I got my original first combined ish back from the person I'd given it to. Don't have the others, unfortunately.

  5. I've completely forgotten these CB stories - for example I well remember CB's staff but that Star Sceptre...?? And I thought the same as John - that ad for Dracula in MWOM meant the final, final appearance of POTA in a Marvel UK comic. The very last issue of MWOM & POTA came out on June 8th 1977 which was the day after the Queen's Silver Jubilee - but I'd stopped buying POTA & Dracula Lives at No.116 in January so I wasn't there at the end. But POTA #5 was my first ever Marvel comic so it's sad to think of the apes' demise in Marvel UK.

  6. I remember that the Queen's silver jubilee was the same year that my new town celebrated 30 years of existence. Hard to believe that was 38 years ago.

  7. Yes indeed, Kid - we were supposed to have a street party on the day of the Jubilee (June 7th) but it was threatening to rain so the party was switched to the village hall which was really disappointing as I'd been to loads of parties there. I still feel aggrieved that we missed out on our street party as that would have quite an event, bah !!

  8. I'm against the very idea of street parties to be honest, CJ. Ban 'em all, is what I say. It should be illegal for people to have a good time. (And I'm only half joking with that last sentence.)

  9. Not only do I remember the Star Sceptre I remember raising money for my scout troop by selling Jubilee magazines door to door. Nothing has anything to do with the other but they occurred at the same time.

  10. So happy memories of them both then, eh, Phil?


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