Saturday 1 August 2015


Here's a little slice of yesteryear for all those of a certain age.  It doesn't seem all that long ago that these were regular ads on British TV, but I was very likely still a teenager the last time I saw them.  (Not counting '100 best ads' type programmes, of course.)  Whatever happened to TUFTY, eh?  Was he replaced by an American grey squirrel called RUFTY, do you think?  (Silly.)


  1. Tufty seems a bit big to be holding Mummy's hand - he's the same size as her. Of course I remember these ads (or public information films) very well but I also remember the Green Cross Man so was Tufty replaced by him as there weren't two different kinds of road safety campaigns at the same time, were there ? I liked those 'Charlie Says' ads best, the boy and his cat.

  2. He didn't cross at the zebra crossing and ended up as roadkill I suspect. Why didn't they say cross at the crossing why don't you eh?

  3. Also that poor weasel! I went lol. Ian surprised he wasn't smoking and wearing a leather jacket and called Stupid the weasel.

  4. Tufty's a bit big to be holding Mummy's hand, CJ? That's nothing - I breast-fed 'til I was 25. Yeah, I think The Green Cross Code Man was the new direction, but the old ads still appeared occasionally as well (I think).


    Don't worry, Phil - they're all just acting. I hear that Tufty was up for a Bafta.


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