Monday 10 August 2015


Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS.  Copyright DC COMICS

Alas, we're now at the end of the trail with our NEAL ADAMS' BATMAN cover gallery, but don't despair.  I'm pretty sure that the talented Mr. Adams artwork will pop up again on this Blog in the not too distant future.  In the meantime, savour the covers on display in this post - then go back and revisit the previous nine parts in the series.  Hey, there are worse things to do with your time.

Got a favourite in this batch?  Then feel entirely free to wax lyrical over it in the comments section.

Pencils by NEAL ADAMS, inks by DICK GIORDANO

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencil & inks by NEAL ADAMS

ISBN:  4012-0407-4


  1. Wouldn't you just love ALL those Power Records/Comics? I know I would!

  2. I'd love the Golden Book & Record set of Journey Into Mystery #83 even more, JP. I've got the comic, but not the record.

    1. Who narrated the record, Kid? In all fairness, it should have been Larry Lieber!

  3. Dunno, JP, never had the record.


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