Sunday 16 August 2015


Images copyright DC COMICS & TOPPS

Another half-dozen TOPPS BATMAN cards for you to savour and salivate over, Bat-fans. I never kept my originals, alas, but a deluxe boxed set was re-issued in 1989, and it's those very ones you're looking at now.  Takes me back to the '60s (and the '80s come to that) faster than a fart from The FLASH!   How about you? 


  1. I can smell and taste the gum!

  2. I can't, because I never ate it. I always gave or threw it away. Disgusting stuff.

  3. I used to collect these type of cards as a kid (Mars Attacks, American Civil War, World Cup etc) but I never kept them or collected them after I was about 11 years old, but they do take me right back to the 60s especially seeing the backs of the Batman cards here. My favourite at the time were the "Foldees" cards (DC ) where you could make 9 different (funny) characters / pictures, I loved those and thought they were hysterical at the time (see link below).


    1. Don't ever remember seeing these, McS. Thanks for the link!

  4. I keep meaning to do a post on those Foldees - I used to love 'em as a kid. I've got one that Grant Morrison gave me a good number of years ago. He'd bought some at a comic mart and had a spare, which he asked me if I wanted. Naturally, being a greedy buggah, I readily accepted it.

    Right, I'm off to visit that link. Ta much.

    1. Yeah, you really must do a post on them, Kid!

  5. Tried that link, McS - webpage not available.

    1. It's working now, Kid, if you want to try it again?

  6. Don't know what happened there sorry - hopefully this link will work (scroll down a bit to see some "Foldess"

    1. Wow! Tons to go through there (tomorrow!), McS.
      The "Linkmaster" is alive and well!!

  7. Took a look, McS, and Googled some other sites too. I'm surprised that I remember so many - and equally surprised at the ones I forgot. I doubt I had them all at the time anyway. (Sigh! I want to be a kid again.) I must dig out the one GM gave me.

  8. I never chewed gum, but acquired some hand-me-down cards from my cousins. I had a few of the 1966 Batman cards, and, a few years later, some Planet of the Apes cards.

    Besides the painted Topps cards, there was a series of cards with photos from the Batman TV series. Adam West as Bruce Wayne, West and Burt Ward in costume as Batman and Robin, Burgess Meredith as the Penguin, etc.

    I never had any Foldees, but I recall a classmate in second or third grade showing me one, with the mix-and-match pictures and captions.

  9. Good for you, TC, neither have I - ever. It's disgusting stuff, and I'm fed up having to detour around discarded pieces stuck to the pavement when I'm out walking. People look at me as if I'm drunk the way I wander all over the place in my attempts to avoid it.

    I remember the photo-cards, but can't recall if I ever actually had any of them. Probably did.

  10. Norman Saunders over Bob Powell layouts, Phil, although there's always a chance that other, uncredited artists were also involved.

  11. Thanks, JP, but I managed to access it by a circuitous route an hour or two later. Foldees post earmarked for the future.


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