Wednesday 12 August 2015


A palace of treasures, that is.  Here are a few random photos from a few years ago of one of my rooms, showing some of the many collectables on display before they were packed away.  The camera flash has washed out some of the details slightly, but you should still be able to see things and drool with envy.

And this is only a fraction of what I've got.  Click on an image to enlarge, then click again for optimum size.  And just in case you were thinking of burgling my house, you'd never make it out alive.  (If you could even find the stuff.)


  1. Major Matt Mason! Hard to find since he was a wire frame toy and after you played with him he broke then the wires popped out of the skin and stuck you. Speaking from experience. And the Aurora Superman models, well done,

  2. I've got three Matt Mason figures, one each of Doug Davis and Sgt. Storm, plus three Callisto figures. The Aurora Superman figure in the photo is the re-released version from 1974/'75, which didn't include the nameplate - so I made one. I've since replaced it with a spare 1960s one. I've also got two '60s Supermans - one built and painted (there's a photo of it on the blog somewhere), one still in the box.

  3. For those who don't know, toy maker Mel Birnkrant created the Colorforms Outer Space Men as enemies/ friends for Matt Mason.
    What's interesting is two things, First, they were also wire frame toys and and original set in the box will go for the cost of a small motorbike. second they never said who were the enemies or friends . They could all have been friends. I thought that was smart of them, they just said what planet they were from.

  4. I think I read about them (and saw them) in a book I've got - Action Figures of the 1960s - but I'll take a look at the link to be sure.

  5. I'm guessing there are nightly patrols by Daleks to see off any undesirables! Funny, my eyes went straight to Major Matt Mason (nice bit of alliteration in the name), we had one, complete with sled, I guess you'd call it, but alas it did not make the trip through time with me to the present day. As I recall we may have been a bit rough on the Major and our mother deemed (quite responsibly) the protruding wires a tad dangerous. And what a lot of Daleks! After having a red Palitoy one for years I have recently begun acquiring others to join it (you seldom see a lone Dalek - always in groups) and it is quite addictive - my tally now stands at five of the things. As yet I still don't have one of the iconic silver variety - just about every other colour combo but! Good old eBay - the things you see (and must buy) while looking for something else. I bet you acquired most of your collection old-school - ie. pre-eBay. I can see I'm going to spend a bit of time today just checking out items in close up views of your pics.

  6. Yup, PC, most of it was bought pre-eBay, but a few of my best items were obtained that way. What would we do without it these days? As for those pics - they don't even show my best stuff.


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