Thursday 13 August 2015



If you're British, you've seen this poster before of course, as a free gift in The TITANS #1, way back in 1975.  However, here it is in its original (and sharper) form as the poster for the MIGHTY MARVEL COMICON, also in '75.


  1. Gorgeous work by my favourite comic artist. Interesting to see the Rawhide Kid included in the poster, I've often thought it a pity that Big John didn't get a run on either Rawhide or Two Gun Kid in the late 60s or 70s. Obviously Marvel wanted him on their bigger-selling titles, but the thought of a Buscema drawn Western comic is so appealing.

    Much as I admire John Buscema's art though, he never seemed quite at home drawing Spider-Man to me, he didn't seemed to capture the weird, crouched, fidgety body-language that John Romita Sr drew so well.

    Great post Kid, ta for sharing it!

  2. Funny how both Kirby and Buscema could never quite nail Spidey, eh, DD? Nor could Colan and a whole lot of other artists, come to that.

  3. I'd have loved to have seen Colan draw a Silver Surfer series: he drew him in a Tomb of Dracula issue and it is a stunning bit of work. Colan makes SS look like he's made of mercury and radiating light. I would post a link if I knew how to do it from my new-fangled electric phone thingy...

  4. Don't worry, DD - I'll Google it.

  5. This is the image I was thinking of, Kid. Gentleman Gene's take on the Sentinel of the Spaceways.

    (Btw, I left a comment on Gene Colan's website about 10 years ago and was surprised and thrilled to get an email from the man himself a few weeks later. I saved it and another email I received from him too, an absolute gentleman as well as a unique artist.)

  6. Ta, DD, took a look - I'm sure I saw it some years ago somewhere. I have a Dracula Lives Essentials volume kicking around - I'll have to check and see if it's in that.

    I felt the same when Bob Hope sent me a personally autographed photo after I wrote to him, back in the old days before email.


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