Friday 7 August 2015


Copyright relevant owner

Don't ask me what went wrong with the cover of TV CENTURY 21 SUMMER EXTRA, released back in the summer (natch) of 1965.  (Or should that be 2065?) Why, what's wrong with it you might be asking.  'Make your own GARTOON characters' says the cover blurb.  Catch that?  'GARTOONS', not 'CARTOONS'.

There are at least three possible explanations, so let's speculate for a moment.  It's just a mistake is the most obvious one, but let's stretch it out for a bit, because I need to fill space and, when it comes to what I write,  I'm my own biggest fan.  (No surprise there then, eh?)

The cartoonist's name is 'Garfield', or 'Gartshore', or something beginning with 'Gar', so it's intended simply as a pun.  Not convinced?  Nah, neither am I.  How about this?  The designer had run out of the letter 'C' in his LETRASET rub-down transfers - used a 'G', intending to turn it into a 'C' - and then got distracted or just forgot.

Right, that's all I can think of, but if you've got a better idea, impress your fellow Criv-ites with it in the comments section.


  1. Whoever was responsible for the lettering was drunk or needed glasses. A silly mistake like that would spoil the whole issue for me - it would play on my mind continually.

  2. I've got the comic, CJ, and I while can't say that it ruins the whole issue for me (I don't remember even noticing the mistake when I was a kid), it certainly makes me wonder how it ever got past the editor.

  3. Gosmic Gapers, it doesn't bare thinking about. What was it by the way?

  4. It was a little cardboard 'wallet' which opened to show a pic of Troy Tempest - into which could be slipped strips of card with bits of other characters on them. The same idea as Foldees, but done slightly differently.


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