Thursday 13 August 2015


Image copyright DC COMICS

NEW GODS for old, seemed to be writer/artist JACK KIRBY's philosophy when he came up with this idea.  It's not unlikely that he realized the constant threats of RAGNAROK in THOR would eventually become old hat to readers, so he planned to reveal what would happen after it finally, inevitably, occurred.  It could so easily have been a MARVEL comicbook instead of a DC one, and doubtless would have been if events hadn't precipitated Jack's defection to the 'Distinguished Competition'.  But this was a drama decreed by the fates to be acted out!  Nothing could stop it!  Nothing could change it !  We watched and we saw!

It lasted for 11 issues before facing a Ragnarok of its own, though echoes of its concepts still reverberate throughout the DC Universe to this day.

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