Thursday 13 August 2015


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

This is probably my favourite MARVEL origin story of all time.  The art is by KIRBY & SINNOTT, so what's not to like?  True, Jack still demonstrates flashes of his famous inconsistency throughout the tale (THOR The MIGHTY's helmet changes design, and the thongs on his boots go from many to a few between panels), but it's a great little read, due mainly to the scripting of LARRY LIEBER, who created the name DON BLAKE and the word 'URU'.


  1. Jack Kirby's figures looked so underweight in the early '60s - Thor looks skinny here compared to the musclebound character of a few years later.

  2. When the same image was used in MWOM to advertise SMCW #1, Thor was beefed up a little, CJ. Most of Jack's early figures tended to be skinny, even the FF. Reed Richard's was far skinnier in his early appearances.

  3. This is the prize of my collection signed by Stan and Jack. Bought back when $100 was a lot for a comic book. Unfortunately I can never sell it since it's my prized comic......

  4. I have the original comic myself, but it's not signed by either Stan or Jack. However, I have several other books that Stan signed when I met him in 1991.

    1. Being a collector means never selling. Oh the pain, the pain. I admit I sold some stuff. Then went right out and bought new stuff.

  5. I just used to give stuff away. I've spent the last 30-odd years trying to track down replacements. (And succeeding in most cases.)


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