Tuesday 4 August 2015


Images copyright DC COMICS

DETECTIVE COMICS #359 introduced BATGIRL to the BATMAN family.  What was Bats thinking of?  He should have copyrighted the franchise and charged BARBARA GORDON to use the name.  Doesn't matter that BRUCE WAYNE is already a millionaire - it's the principle of the thing.


  1. I was thinking of picking this up. $800 in mint. Out of curiosity I checked my earliest price guide from 1977. I would have paid $8. I should have invested in comic books.

  2. Even I wouldn't pay that for it (unless I was rich), Phil. The copy I have isn't pristine, but it'll do me. Didn't cost me much either.

  3. Phew, really wish I'd kept hold of mine ( and it was mint, too! )

  4. There was a nice Millennium Edition reprint of it back in 2000, JP. You should be able to get it on eBay for not too much.

  5. Interest in Batman is quite stiff at the moment, anyone going a trip to the US could do worse than pick up the Signet reprints, because the price differential between here and there is quite spectacular.

  6. I've got the '60s British version of the first book, and the Titan reprints of the series, but I'm surprised they're worth anything (if I'm thinking of the right books).

  7. Yeah it was a surprise to me, course high prices don't mean they're selling for that, except that they still shift on ebay periodically.

  8. It amazes me that charity shops check out the prices on eBay and Amazon to see how much sellers are asking for some items, in order to determine what to charge. Some dealers ask totally unrealistic prices and consequently seldom sell - yet charity shops use them as a guide.


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