Friday 14 August 2015


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

This is how it began - with the first issue of The FANTASTIC FOUR, which heralded the start of the MARVEL AGE in the comicbook world.  Pencilled by JACK KIRBY and thought to be inked by GEORGE KLEIN, the layout was reminiscent of the DC comic cover that was the impetus for the FF's Creation - The BRAVE & The Bold #28, starring The JUSTICE LEAGUE Of AMERICA

Well, you know what they say - "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."  I wonder if the Cosmic Quartet realize to whom they owe their existence?


  1. Only one of the most classic covers of all time - even though it's a bit too wordy. Brings back fond memories of reading The Complete FF No.1 which is where I first read this origin story as I'd missed the first two years of Marvel UK.

  2. I first read it in two parts in Smash! (published at the same time in Wham!), but I don't think I saw the cover art until MWOM #1, where it appeared as a pin-up.


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