Wednesday 26 August 2015


Seeing as you enjoyed the trailer for the first
DALEKS movie, here's the one for the second.
I've also included a fan trailer for the film, so take
a look at both and then say which one you prefer.
You know where the comments section is.


  1. This film takes place in 2150 AD - just in case the first trailer didn't mention it lol. I wonder if poor old William Hartnell felt snubbed ? This is okay for passing the time but it's not Doctor Who.

  2. I assume he was too busy with the weekly serial to to do the movie, CJ, but also he probably wasn't a big enough star to appeal to foreign audiences. Having said that, the Daleks were the real stars of those two movies anyway.

  3. EVEN BETTER!! When we all went again to see this one, if was even more exciting than the first! The Daldks here were the up-dated models with slats, similar to those now on the TV, rather than having a disc on their backs to enable them to travel on non- metal surfaces. Highlight for me was when that MASSIVE gold flying saucer came crashing down at the end!
    Any eagle-eyed film buffs out there may well have noticed that it was filmed in the same (Hammer) set as "Quatermass and the Pitt....'er sorry, Pit"!!

  4. I've never been keen on those slats, JP. Just looks as if they'd been fitted with a bit of wire fencing. I wasn't impressed by the truck running through a squad of Daleks, because they were too obviously only empty shells. Good movie 'though.

    1. Yeah, I spotted that years later on TV, but not as a kid (luckly!)

  5. The movie's actually better than the TV version it's based on. The TV episodes seemed far too padded out.

    1. I thought exactly the same thing about the first TV Daleks story when I saw a repeat of the series.
      However the opposite could be said about that Quatermass/Pit story. The film moves at such a fast pace, you really need to watch every second without blinking, otherwise you lose the plot!

  6. When they're deciding on how many episodes each story gets, the budget for sets and location shooting is taken into account. If a set is expensive to build, they want to use it in as many episodes as possible to justify the amount, and also because they'e a smaller budget left for other stories. (The Daleks, being a big draw, would therefore automatically get the biggest slice of the pie.) I think that's why some stories sometimes seem to go on a bit. However, having said that, watching them weekly, they'd probably have seemed engrossing enough at the time, but when you're watching several (or all) of the episodes of a story at one sitting (which, admittedly, they weren't designed for), then some of them appear a bit padded. Especially when you've got a film version to compare them to.


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