Tuesday 25 August 2015


If this doesn't take you right back to the early '70s faster than a sonic boom, then there can be only one reason - you weren't around then.  See?  There's always a simple explanation.


  1. Ah that does indeed take you right back to the 70s - I remember that advert (and the Nimble bread one) always seemed to be on the TV back in the day,and of course the New Seekers made a career out of the song.

    I preferred the Pepsi: "LipsmackinThirstquenchinAcetastinMotivatinGoodbuzzinCooltalkinHighwalkinFastlivinEvergivinCoolfizzin Pepsi " advert though


  2. Nimble, Harmony hairspray (is she, isn't she?), Milk Tray ads, Hamlet cigars, Timex watches (especially at Christmas) - and Victor Kiam Remington ads. Great days indeed, eh McS?

  3. Yes indeed some great ones there - some of today's ads are pretty good as well but the "Hai Karate" advert with Valerie Leon is one of the best (the art direction of course!!?)


  4. And the Goodies version (also starring Valerie Leon) is even better. Hey, that gives me an idea.

  5. Gosh, I haven't seen that advert since I were a nipper - and didn't Coke taste better in bottles. Kid ? Some more '70s products include the Ronco Buttoneer which always got advertised at Christmas and K-Tel records. Babycham also reminds me of those days - my parents rarely drank alcohol but we'd go mad at Christmas and have Babycham and home-made shandy.

  6. Coke certainly did taste better in bottles, CJ - I've said so for years. It also tasted better out of tins than aluminium, but I suppose the latter is cheaper. Yeah, I remember all those Ronco and K-Tel ads as well. I've also got several Babycham glasses, even 'though I've never even tasted it.

  7. Kid, have you ever drunk any alcohol at all ? I wouldn't even describe Babycham as alcohol. I also find it difficult to think of cider as alcoholic - I remember when I was about 10 I went to a local pub with a friend and his father and my friend's dad bought us both a glass of cider which we drank at one of the tables outside, also as kids we used to buy cider flavoured ice lollies so I think of cider more like pop even though it's as alcoholic as beer. Cider has a really nice sweet taste if you've never tried it :)

  8. When I was about 9 or 10, I remember my parents giving me a small glass of Shandy one New Year's eve. It was mostly lemonade with a bit of lager (or pale ale) in it, but I didn't know that then, and simply took what was given me. There's every chance I took a sip and never finished it. I've also had a small glass of communion wine on a couple of occasions when I was at church, again as a 9 or 10 year old. And I've had chicken meals cooked in a white wine sauce in restaurants, although I'm told that the cooking process evaporates the alcohol. However, as a teenager (and potential underage drinker) or adult, I have never taken a glass, or can, or bottle - or even a sip - of any alcoholic liquid.

  9. But why ? I understand you have liver problems which is a cruel irony for somebody who never drinks alcohol.

  10. Just never felt inclined to, CJ. I was never influenced by peer pressure and did my own thing.

  11. Way to be obvious Kid. (having been born in the late 70's)

    Coke certainly did taste better in bottles, CJ - I've said so for years.

    It also was better off with cane sugar and not this High Fructose Corn Syrup they use over here.

  12. I think we still get it with sugar in Britain, Chris - except for the diet versions (and Coke Zero) of course. A can of Coke always seems better somehow when consumed directly after a fish supper. Magic.

  13. I bet. I wish they didn't go with plastic the way they do over here (or the heavy aluminum cans shaped like bottles I'm now seeing.

    I also don't have a problem with the diet/zero variants personally (aspartame doesn't taste that bad to me), of course nowadays that's all I would rather drink.

  14. I still prefer the real thing, Chris. (See what I did there?)

  15. See? Can't get nothing past you.


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