Wednesday 19 August 2015


Actress YVONNE CRAIG, who played BATGIRL in the third and final season of the 1960s BATMAN TV show, sadly passed away on Monday.

Condolences to her family, friends and fans. There's a nice (and fuller) tribute to Yvonne on MOONBASE CENTRAL blog - the link's in my blog list.


  1. Jeez dude. This is such a shock and a bummer.

  2. Sad day for Batfans, Kid. I've done also done a little post on Yvonne at Moonbase Central blog

  3. This came as a shock. I think, consciously or subconsciously, I assumed she was at least ten years younger than she really was. (I also had the same misconception about Grace Lee Whitney.) The last time I remember seeing her (apart from reruns of older shows) was on a talk show several years ago, and she still looked great.

    In the 1960's, there were relatively few really strong, competent heroines in the action-adventure genre, in any medium. Even the super-women in comic books (Invisible Girl, Scarlet Witch) often were more like helpless damsels than helpful partners. The same with The Girl From U.N.C.L.E. Those characters all seemed to be constantly getting kidnapped or taken hostage, and having to be rescued by the male heroes. Batgirl, Wonder Woman, and Emma Peel were welcome exceptions. They sometimes had to be rescued, but then, sometimes they rescued their male teammates, so it evened out.

  4. I would've assumed she was the youngest member on the show, so it's a shock to learn that she's dead. Like TC says, she seemed younger than she was, and I was also surprised to learn that Grace Lee Whitney was around 85 when she died. I had absolutely no conception that she was that age. Sad day indeed, lads.

  5. Oh, what a shame. She really was lovely. THE Bat girl. RIP.

  6. Hard to believe she was 78, JP. 1966 sometimes seems like only yesterday to me.


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