Thursday 20 August 2015


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LEO BAXENDALE's 'Super BEANO', WHAM! comic, came out in June 1964, but we had to wait until August/September '65 to see the very first Annual for '66. There were six books by ODHAMS and one by IPC - three if you count the two combined WHAM! And POW! Annuals for '73 and '74 - so although the weekly comic lasted only around three and a half years, the Annuals themselves managed an impressive span of eight.  Nothing to be sniffed at, for sure.


  1. George Michael and Andrew Ridgely were obviously paying tribute to this comic :)

  2. I remember someone once saying "That George Michael's a good looking individual...his father wanted a boy."

  3. I had this one as well but can't recall a thing about it (old age Im afraid) I picked up quite a few issues of the first 20 or so issues of WHAM weekly years ago (possibly in the 80's) and was surprised seeing them again for the first time in 20 years how nicely printed they were but also in that they didn't have that much to them page wise (and really early ones weren't stapled - well my copies weren't) lovely printing all the same and some lovely art but Im not sure it was as good as perhaps Leo Baxendale anticipated (his art, and later Ken Reids excepted)- later (newsprint) issues were much thicker and I think I prefer these ones- This is another book on my wants list.

  4. Although I now possess some of the early photogravure issues, I didn't see them at the time, not buying Wham! until the FF reprints began. The early issues, as you say, have lovely printing, but they're a bit light in content, and Frankie Stein excepted, most of the pages had only about half the number of panels that The Beano or Dandy did. Therefore, I'd agree with you that the newsprint issues were probably better. As I said before in a blog post, if Wham! was supposed to be Odhams answer to The Beano, they must've misheard the question.


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