Sunday 2 August 2015


I'm lucky to have three of the models in the above AURORA ad, the exception being WONDER WOMAN.  Wish I'd bought the MOEBIUS reissue of the kit when I had the chance.  Do you have any of these models, and which one did you covet the most when you were a kid in the '60s?


  1. I had the Batman and Superman models when I was a kid. They were so cool. My aunt was an artist and she painted both of them for me and they looked almost real to me.

  2. I had the Batman one back in the '60s, and got the '74/'75 re-release in the early '80s (which I still have.) I re-acquired the '60s version circa '84, about the same time as I obtained the '70s version of the Superboy kit. I've also now got every version of the Superman kit ever released, including two of the first one. There's photos of the Superman & Batman ones on the blog somewhere. I'd have loved to see photos of the ones your aunt painted, but I don't suppose you have any, eh?

  3. No. They are long gone. I can't remember what happened to them, but the Batman one was really impressive. I considered repurchasing them when they were re-released, but never did do it.

  4. That's a shame, but you'd have been disappointed with the 1984 MPC re-releases (which were essentially the same as the later 1999 Revell versions) as the heads were different from the original Aurora (and then Monogram) models.


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