Monday 13 July 2015


Whaddya mean you didn't see the new YOGI BEAR movie?
Let's remedy that right now with a whistle-stop tour of some of the
funniest moments (it says here, but is a lot funnier than this).


  1. Funny ? Where ? Give me the cartoon not this CGI tripe.

  2. Oh, behave, CJ. It's essentially a 'cartoon' Yogi, but done with CGI, not drawings. The cartoons were never actually that funny. I should know - I've got most (if not all) of them.

  3. I heard the cgi mr Peabody was good but the trailers looked like a kids movie with fart jokes, do I didn't see it.

  4. Er, you've lost me, Phil. Who's Mr. Peabody?

  5. The CGI Yogi Bear movie was a good cartoon/comedy movie for kids, but it wasn't "my" Yogi Bear.

    Mr. Peabody & Sherman was a not-bad 2014 CGI comedy based on the old Jay Ward cartoon series, which, in turn, was a segment of The Bullwinkle Show (aka Rocky & Friends). Mr. Peabody was a talking super-genius dog (modeled after Clifton Webb) who, with his adopted (human) boy, Sherman, traveled in time with his Way Back Machine.

    I do hate it when kids' movies take old cartoons and add sexual suggestiveness and fart jokes.

  6. I'd no problem accepting CGI Yogi as 'my' Yogi, TC. I thought it would've been better if Dan Ackroyd had played Ranger Smith (on top of doing Yogi's voice) because he's got a more 'cartoon' look, but apart from that, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I believe a sequel is underway. I don't think we got Bullwinkle & Rocky over here ('though I remember seeing them in ads in U.S. comics), but I could be wrong.


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