Sunday 5 July 2015


Copyright relevant owner

The above colour poster was given away with MARVEL U.K.'s PLANET Of The APES #1 in 1974.  The same illustration was the actual cover of the U.S. monthly first issue, just in case you were thinking you'd seen it somewhere before.  (Well, you were right - you had!)


  1. Can't believe I gave my pota collection away to one of my brothers mates,complete with said poster.
    Was a great series,though not as sophisticated as the recent pota but just as potent and emotionally charged just the same. I remember the rage I felt also,when Charlton Heston,in the movie,upon being caged by the apes,screams,"Get your hands off me,you filthy Apes"

  2. Actually, Moony, the precise quote is: "Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!" I'm surprised you forgot, considering you hear it every time you try and get amorous with the missus.

  3. I feel your pain. (And no, that's not a euphemism.)

  4. Sigh! That poster is yet another reason that I wish I'd managed to catch that first issue of POTA, instead of starting my collection with #2 :-(

  5. I suppose you could always print out an A3 copy, Cer, and hang it on your wall. Just for what might've been.

  6. My first issue of POTA was No.5 and it was also my first ever Marvel comic so obviously I missed the poster and I only discovered quite recently what the poster in POTA #1 actually looked like - I always assumed it was the same as the cover of POTA #1 (I mean the UK #1 of course). I think it's a rather dull poster to be honest and so was the cover of the U.S. POTA #1 - Marvel UK wisely chose the U.S. #2 for our #1.

  7. Either way, those of us who bought the first U.K. issue got the best of both worlds, CJ - the 1st & 2nd U.S. covers. Hooray!

  8. Kid, it's a mystery to me how I missed the first 4 issues of POTA - #1 came out 6 days after the launch of the TV show of which I was a massive fan but somehow I didn't see the comic on sale till #5. I assumed the comic was something to do with the TV show as I'd never heard of the films at that point and so the story inside was baffling - a bearded man being chased by a bunch of apes who are shocked when the man starts shouting at them after they've captured him...??? But I was intrigued enough to want the next issue.

  9. Perhaps it just sold out before you had a chance to see it, CJ. I had a complete set at one time, but I've only got the first three issues mow, plus #8.


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