Monday 6 July 2015


...that he'll be continuing in the role for a good while yet.  (Ha!  Had you going there for a second, eh?)


Shame that this Glasgow Police Telephone box is on a concrete platform.  Because of that, and the fact I'm leaning back against it, I look almost like a dwarf.  However, I think this is an intriguing look for the new DOCTOR WHO when PETER CAPALDI eventually packs it in.  

Are you paying attention, BBC?


  1. Was that your "Alan Moore" period, Kid ?

  2. Ah,that was the distinguished Russian author phase. You almost looked like you had stepped out of the Tardis. :)

  3. He copied me, CJ, so he's still in his Kid Robson period.


    Ra Ra Rasputin! Stepped out of the Tardis? Er, well that was the idea, Moony.

  4. When Capaldi goes, the BBC will almost certainly cave in to pressure from the chimps who think it's "time" for a female Doctor.

  5. That's when the programme and me part company, Joe. What's next? A black, transgendered James Bond?

  6. But Kid, what if there was a female Doctor who looked like Caroline Munro or suchlike - would you boycott it then ? The female Master in the last series was quite good I thought - maybe a female Doctor would give the show a shot in the arm.

  7. But it wouldn't be, would it, CJ? It'd be some 'mumsy woman like Caroline Quentin.

  8. That is a wonderful beard.
    Yes, they will attempt to make the doctor a female.
    My kids are not that enamoured by mr Capaldi.

  9. The beard's great for getting a seat to yourself on the bus or train, Baab. And it gives me somewhere to carry my lunch.

    I don't think it's Capaldi's fault. They're still giving him the same kind of scripts they gave Tennant and Smith - designed for a babbling idiot who thinks he's a stand-up comedian.


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