Tuesday 7 July 2015


MOONRAKER comes in for a certain amount of flack from some fans, but it was a natural progression for the BOND movies, which had started to reflect the cinematic tastes of the times.  For example, LIVE & LET DIE echoed 'blaxploitation' movies, The MAN With The GOLDEN GUN tipped its topper towards KUNG FU films, The SPY Who LOVED ME dived into the deep in the wake of JAWS - and Moonraker launched into outer space after STAR WARS. Plus SHIRLEY BASSEY sung the title theme.  So what's not to like?

Incidentally, I don't recall the trailers lasting this long in my local cinema.  Weren't they much quicker.  Anyone remember?


  1. This flick stinks higher than a pair of wino's underpants on the morning after, he hit the jackpot and found a half eaten vindaloo in the bin. Isn't it the one where Jaws bites through a steel cable and then hits a tent without his parachute, or is it the other way round? It would be OK for the Saturday morning crowd, if you fancied dodging popcorn and the widdle flowing down the aisle, from excitable kids.

  2. Ach, yer erse, DSE, it's a cinematic classic, exploring the time-worn dilemmas of interpersonal relationships, and whether a cull of the human race in the pursuit of advancing evolution in an accelerated fashion can ever be justified. And it's got burds with nearly no clothes on and James Bond gets pushed out of a 'plane without a parachute.


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