Tuesday 14 July 2015


Here's fairly regular commenter Phil as Doctor STEPHEN STRANGE -
by The Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth and the Seven Shades of the Seraphim!


  1. Phil wisely avoids the huge Dr. Strange collar which looks great in the comics but looks rather daft when I've seen it on real-life Dr. Strange costumes.

  2. Kid, photos of Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Strange show him without the iconic collar and wearing a more modest one instead so it seems the film-makers also decided the giant collar didn't work in real life no matter how much money they spent on it.

  3. Maybe it was down to budgetary constraints, CJ, rather than the wisdom of the ancients. Phil will tell us, I'm sure.

    Update: Actually, CJ, Phil's outfit looks like the Doc's 'first' costume. The collar and amulet weren't so ornate then.


    I doubt they spent any money on even trying it, CJ. Few of the previous Marvel movies have mirrored the original costumes. I'm sure, given the resources the movie makers have, if they'd wanted to duplicate the fancy collar, then they could have. They clearly just didn't want to. You never know 'though - maybe it pops up later in the movie? Time will tell.

  4. It is in fact more Ditko. Gad I look tired but I was. That costume is hot it's all Rayon, shirt and cape

  5. Ditko drew at least two versions, Phil. In the first few appearances of Doctor Strange, he had a round amulet and less fancy collar on his cape. Then, with no mention of it, his amulet changed to a square one, same collar on the cape. Then the Ancient One presented him with a new amulet (which was the first one we'd seen him with, more or less) and a cape with a more fancy collar (which is the one CJ refers to, I think). This all happened under Ditko. Your amulet is the second one we saw on the Doc, but is supposed to pre-date the one we first saw him wearing. Hopefully that makes sense.

  6. There are some good shots from San Diego if anyone wants to see. There's actually a lot fewer people than normal since it was at 10 am and lots of people couldn't make it http://www.comicbookresources.com/article/sdcc-photo-parade-friday

  7. Thanks for the link, Phil.


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