Friday, 24 July 2015


EDWARD BEAR, otherwise known as WINNIE The POOH -
and his best friend, CHRISTOPHER ROBIN MILNE.  Aah.


  1. When I was about ten one of the boys in my class said to the teacher "Colin's father is Scottish" and the teacher replied: "With a name like Jones ?" - at the time I felt a bit insulted because he was implying that I was fibbing but thinking about it now the teacher seems like a bit of a nitwit as he apparently thought all Scotsmen should be called Hamish McDougall or something. Anyway, the teacher's name was Christopher Robin Bond - two literary characters in one there !!

  2. I understand poor Chris later grew up to hate Pooh. Not a joke.

  3. I suppose Smith and Jones are regarded more as English names than Scottish ones, CJ, but as we all know, that's not exactly an accurate motion. I wonder if there's a James Robin Milne somewhere.


    I read the first of his three autobiographical books in the '70s. Phil (The Enchanted Places), and (if I recall correctly) it wasn't so much the bear he hated as being continually associated with 'Christopher Robin'. In later life he became quite fond of the books.

  4. Actually Kid, a lot of people think Jones is a Welsh name (which it's not) - I've lived in South Wales since the age of two and so Mr. Christopher Robin Bond was Welsh but he didn't seem to think it was odd that he had that name rather than being called Dai LLewelyn or suchlike so why couldn't a Scotsman be called Jones.

  5. No reason at all, CJ, but it doesn't seem to fit most people's perceptions. Many folk have a hard time believing that I'm a lifelong teetotaler because of the popular perception that all Scotsmen are heavy drinkers.

  6. Oops, in my first response to CJ's comment, I should've typed 'notion', not 'motion'.


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