Wednesday 29 July 2015


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Back in the mid-'70s, one of my favourite TV shows was PADDINGTON BEAR.  Why?  'Cos it was very funny, and if you haven't seen this 'SINGING In The RAIN' homage before, then you're in for a rare treat.  (You'll believe a bear can dance!  Well, sort of.)



  1. This was from one of three half-hour specials produced in the 80's called "Paddington Bear Goes To the Movies". I was amused when I saw this the first time around on VHS years ago, not having seen it before, though apparently these specials were aired on HBO over here back then.

  2. I've got the complete Paddington Bear (the Smallfilms ones) on DVD, Chris. Brilliant stuff.

  3. They are (but I think that was Filmfair that did that series).

  4. You know, Chris, I couldn't remember the name so I Googled 'Paddington Bear' and amongst the options that popped up was one that said it was by Smallfilms in the text. I've just double-checked, and the info belonged to the 'People who liked this also liked...' part, which was talking about Bagpuss. So I should have clicked on the answer and not just read the summary. Talk about misleading? Check it for yourself and you'll see it's so.

  5. Well, it's the cluelessness of the internet at play here I can tell. I usually don't follow that anyway, but can tell the only reason why Paddington belongs there is simply out of nostalgia and also being produced in stop-motion like the Smallfilm properties.

    Speaking of Paddington, I ran across a copy of "Paddington Helps Out" (a Dell Yearling paperback edition) at a garage sale while I was biking out in the country today! I got to take it free simply for it not having a price sticker on it and me with only a buck left in my wallet). I didn't realize Paddington didn't always wear his coat all the time (checking out the illustrations by Peggy Fortnum). I recall people complaining how naked Paddington was in the movie that came out a while back, well I suppose he didn't always need to wear that coat everywhere with him.

  6. I don't know if I'll bother watching the recent film, Chris. To me, the Filmfair Paddington is the 'real' one, and if it doesn't look like him, then it isn't. (Although I realize that, in the books, the illustrations didn't look like the Filmfair version.)

  7. Update: I've now watched both Paddington Bear movies since I typed the above comment and they're absolutely hilarious. Highly recommended.

    1. That last one, "Paddington's Birthday Bonanza" is certainly worth a look for how much they put into the budget on the 2D figures animated.

  8. Ta for the link, CS, I'll take a look when I get back - just going out for a while.


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