Thursday 16 July 2015


Image copyright DC COMICS

I've always loved this CARMINE INFANTINO & MURPHY ANDERSON illustration of BATMAN & ROBIN, so I thought I'd post one of the times it was used as a book cover, though it's also served time as a poster and no doubt been pressed into service in various other incarnations.  Whaddya think?  Nice, innit?


  1. I remember seeing it as a centerfold in an issue of either Batman or Detective Comics in 1966. I wonder how many kids took it out and actually hung it up as a pin-up poster.

    And that, boys and girls, is why intact comics from the 1960's and earlier cost an arm and a leg. Not only low supply and high demand, but even the copies that still exist often have missing pages and other defects.

    Infantino's Batman was iconic in the Silver Age, even to people who did not read comics. It was this version that appeared on coloring books, posters, and other merchandise, making the image as familiar as Adam West to the general public.

  2. Love it! That's a very iconic image. I've never read the actual comic but I've seen the cover pop up a lot of times in different publications.

  3. I remember seeing it too, TC - may even have had it. I've got the other one from which Corgi Toys used the Batman figure on the base of their Batmobile (or was it the other way around?).


    This cover's from a 1971/'72 book, Arion, which had a Superman companion volume. They were about an inch thick and great value for money.

  4. It has appeared on many items since and to me captures the real Batman. Infantino only got paid for it once, I think it was $25.

  5. Only $25 for that great drawing? That means Murphy Anderson would've been paid even less for inking it. Shocking!

  6. one of my favorites, too. I treasure that Batman from the 1930s-70s book.

  7. Yup, it's a belter, JF2.


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