Friday 10 July 2015


Image copyright DC COMICS

I don't care what anyone says - she's a total
darlin', even if she's only a comicbook character.
Gents... the seductive SATURN GIRL!


  1. Philip Crawley11 July 2015 at 00:36

    Kid, it had to happen - a blog (primarily) about comics with a 'babe of the day' feature getting around to spotlighting babes from the comics! I guess the next decision will be which artist's versions to choose; was Kirby's version of Sue Storm more stunning than Buscema's, did Heck portray Black Widow with more appeal that Colan? And I don't think you could go past Adams' version of Black Canary. A bit of research would be involved, but hey what a tough gig that would be!

  2. Actually, Phil, I've done it before with comicbook and cartoon characters - and even Gerry Anderson puppets. I'm a perv and no mistake. More comicbook cuties to come!

  3. Philip Crawley11 July 2015 at 01:14

    Ah yes, I was forgetting the Anderson 'dolls'. It's the short term memory that goes first...

  4. Sorry, what were we talking about? Have you commented before? NURSE!


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