Saturday 4 July 2015


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Here's a trio of three SPIDER-MAN themed
posters.  Which of them is your eye most drawn to?
(I think I may know the answer in advance.)


  1. I think the middle one is by far the best - the first one has plenty of characters but Spidey is just standing there.

  2. Well it's meant to be symbolic, CJ. In the middle one, Spidey is just crouching there - but I agree it's the best.

  3. Alex Ross art, unlike Manara, never looks like he just drew the character naked and then painted a uniform on the body. Not that I have any objection to the Manara, I really enjoy his art, but I don't think his models are ever over-dressed.

    Now I wonder if he uses live models.

  4. Jack Kirby seems to have been one of the very first (if not THE first) artist to draw his superheroes with wrinkles and creases in their costumes, as opposed to that 'painted over naked' look. Alex Ross is superb - shame he can't produce 20 pages a day and illustrate just about everything.

  5. I like the Manara one, the head canted at a peculiar angle makes Spider Chick look eerily arthropod like. It's got something else about it too, not quite sure what it and I'm also finding balancing a laptop a little uncomfutububble.

  6. That's why I put my laptop on a table, DSE. Although, being incredibly 'gifted' by nature, I find balancing a table on my lap a little uncomfortable.

  7. I must admit my eyes were drawn to the first image - mostly because I had a poster of that one on my bedroom wall as a kid. I expect I got rid of it at a point when I was too "cool" for such things. Silly boy.
    The Alex Ross piece is fine but I do get a bit tired of his style, the relentless "realism" taking the mystery out of fantasy characters. ( And this from someone who owns a lot of his published work and his "Mythology" hardback. )I'd like to see Ross attempt something a bit less controlled, a bit more abstract, but I guess that's just not his way.
    I'm not too keen on the Manara one. His style doesn't ( for me ) gel with superheroes. It seems to overly-sexualise characters that are very exaggerated in the first place and seems a bit pointless. His own erotic tales like Gullivera and Click showcase his work far better. I'm going for a cold shower now...

  8. Cer, I still have my original poster up on my wall. I've cropped the image (acquired from a different source) you see here, because it was larger than the usual Marvel free gift posters and there was a bit too much blank space top & bottom for my liking. When I first got it, I cut it down to the usual size, and many years later, it was slightly discoloured so I used acrylic ink to repaint the yellow background, and red and blue to repaint Spidey. I think it's an improvement, because there was a bit of a blue 'biro' look to the original colouring.


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