Thursday 2 July 2015


No, your memory isn't deceiving you, you have seen this strip
somewhere before.  First time would probably have been back in
1966, and the last time was more recent than that - on this very blog
earlier today, in fact.  I accidentally posted it as the first GRIMLY
FEENDISH strip from SMASH! #1, when, in fact, it's from #11 of
that esteemed periodical.  It was only up for a short time before I
spotted my error and replaced it with the correct page, but it's
unfair to hold  it back any longer.  So here it is again, you
lucky peeps.  I spoil you, I really do!


  1. Better colour job on this one, that red's still a bit grabby though.

  2. Grabby, but a bit of both, mind you, I wouldn't expect it to be pristine after spending a few decades on newsprint.

  3. Actually the comic isn't in bad nick, DSE. The problem is that the colour was a bit garish to begin with.


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