Tuesday 16 June 2015


Images copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

Here we are at last, readers, with the final part in our series of DENNIS The MENACE Book covers.  The Annual for 2009 was the last one  to contain the Dennis that old-timers like me know and love.  The last two in the 55 year run reflected the Dennis from the CBBC cartoon, which makes me wonder if that factor was responsible for them being the last two published, as the 'look' of the original Menace was sadly absent - despite some good art from NIGEL PARKINSON and TOM PATERSON, respectively.

And so ended a tradition first begun in 1955.  Got any childhood memories of any of these great books (including ones in the previous five parts)?  Then jump over to the comments section and share them with your fellow Criv-ites, Menace fans.


  1. Forgot how much they've changed these guys in the CBBC series. The designs kinda went from adequately ugly to disgustingly cute.

  2. Ruined the whole look of the characters, Chris.

  3. The guys just look too bright 'n perky to me.

  4. Yup - completely loses the 'spirit' of the character.

  5. Our planet is in space too and the sky is blue.

  6. I'm colour-blind, so it matters not to me.

  7. The Clangers:- It will be shown on Cbeebies, a channel aimed at under 6 year olds. I think the stories will be more on the cute level of the successful Peppa Pig cartoon show, a pre-school favourite, rather than the old 70's TV show.

  8. Vlad, you ol' impaler you - bitten any nice necks lately?

  9. I don't suppose their table cloth in these new episodes are going to come from a Chinese space mission visit (if they wanted to update the previous American-Soviet joint mission).

  10. I'll have to wait until they issue them on DVD before I get a chance to see them, Chris. I don't even know which channel the kids one is anyway.

  11. Probably for the best you didn't (knowing how much TV has changed these days). I only remember the classic series best myself (saw that and Bagpuss as they use to show those on a show Nickelodeon aired 30 years ago called "Pinwheel").

  12. I have most of these old shows on DVD anyway, Chris. Paddington Bear, Captain Pugwash, Bagpuss, Noggin The Nog, Roobarb & Custard - and loads more. Still haven't watched any of them past an episode or two, but it's nice to know they're there should I want to.

  13. True. Around here, I'm lucky if some of these end up somewhere online like Netflix, Hulu or elsewhere, of course that's only for a limited time if the copyright holders decide to drop them from those services.

  14. I suppose they pop up again every so often after some time off. You'll have to keep your TV listings mag handy.


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