Tuesday 16 June 2015


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

I've got so much stuff that I'm always considering what I could bear parting with to make space, and earlier tonight my eye fell upon these MARVEL Pocket Mags from 2005.  I'm going to keep them 'cos they're nice little items, but it occurred to me that some of you may be unaware of their existence, so here they are for you to have a look at.

They're 124 by 164mm in size, the interiors are black and white, and a page has been discreetly edited out of The MIRACLE MAN tale (FF #3) in The FANTASTIC FOUR mag, which means that some others may have been similarly 'abridged' (I did once know, but have long since forgotten), but they're still great little comics to thumb through in those inevitable idle moments.

Anyone else remember them, and were there any other issues in the series that I may have missed?

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