Monday 22 June 2015


Although I was fortunate enough to see all six
previous SEAN CONNERY BOND films on the
big screen in the early '70s before the release of
as 007 was the first new Bond film I ever
saw at the time of its release.

And what a cracker it was!


  1. Bond, babes, bullets and boats....quite reminiscent of the "From Russia With Love " trailer in that regard!

  2. I think they're all reminiscent of one another in that regard, BS. It's the Bond 'style' after all. Still good though, innit?

  3. "...If this ever-changing world in which we live in..." - pardon ??

  4. Wonder if PM ever got his English O' Level?

  5. I thought it was " this ever-changing world in which we're living"....?

    Oh, and I'm presuming you saw all the Connery Bonds on the big screen the way I did? Every couple of years one of the local cinemas would have a Bond festival, screening Bond double bills for a those pre-video days it was a good way to catch up.

    And I reckon Live And Let Die is in the running for best Bond poster art.

  6. Oh, I'll have to check and see if it could be, BS. That's the trouble with these 'modern' songs - can't make out the bloody words. Yeah, I saw all the Connery Bonds on the big screen, in weekly Saturday morning (or maybe afternoons - can't remember) matinees back in the early '70s. I like the L&LD poster. but I'm quite partial to the DAF one too.

  7. It was my first movie-house Bond too, SOLELY due to McCartney's crackin' new single.

    Not an easy film for Moore to start in.., since a lot of it worked against your normal Connery/Bond British fare like Jamaican and American-urban locations and of course, voodoo.

    I believe he did great.

  8. I think he did great, too, DB. Not easy following Connery (as Lazenby found out), and I think Moore was the perfect Bond for the '70s, just as Connery had been for the '60s.

  9. My father was a fan of the Bond films and over the Summer of 1999 ITV screened all the Bond films from 1962 to 1989 - the last of these was shown on the August Bank holiday and my dad died suddenly three days later so he got to see all the Bond films again before his death. He also loved the Clint Eastwood 'Fistful Of Dollars' trilogy and they also were broadcast in the weeks just before he died - a strange coincidence !

  10. Good to know that he got to see his favourite films one more time, CJ.


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