Friday 19 June 2015


Found this old photograph of me from 1988 recently and thought to myself "Dang, what a handsome chap was I!"  So, ladies, as you stare with horror at the fat, balding, snoring slob that the guy you married turned into, look at what you could've had.  And it goes without saying, of course, that I look exactly the same today as I did in '88!  (Cough!)

(Well, it's my blog, so I'll lie if I want to.)


  1. Kid, obviously that photo would excite and delight female readers if you had any but you've driven them all away with your sexist comments :)

  2. Well, I have been accused of being a male chauvinist, CJ, but as I always say, it's not as bad as being a woman who won't do as she's told.

  3. For some reason, this snap evokes the memory of Shaw Taylor, I can almost hear his voice, 'Have you seen this man? He was last spotted outside a jewellers, carrying a hessian sack with the word swag stencilled on it. The public are warned not to approach him and report his whereabouts to the police immediately'.

    As for being sexist, I think you should be ashamed of yourself, women make a vital contribution to society. Just think what it would be like if you couldn't get your shirts ironed properly.

  4. Aw shoot, DSE. You must've seen the photo on Crimewatch. Shaw Taylor used a different one.

    And who'd do the hoovering, the washing up, the cooking, and bring up the kids if it wasn't for women? Or the moaning, despite the easy life they've got.


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