Sunday 7 June 2015



In 1976 (wow, almost 40 years ago), NEIL TENNANT, before he found fame with The PET SHOP BOYS, was an editor at MARVEL U.K.  In issue #164 of SUPER SPIDER-MAN, he wrote a short article on HERB TRIMPE, and the following ish featured a centre-spread poster specially drawn by Herb exclusively for British fans. 

And in issue #226, we were treated to this HULK pin-up.

Now that Herb's gone, the work that he did for the British Marvel titles seems somehow more special.  After all, he did it for us.  Thanks, Herb.  Miss ya.


  1. I remembers that pin up with the jets and guardsman. It's strange what you can remember even if you only saw it a few time forty years ago. There are new comics I read last year I don't remember a thing about them. Is it the power of memory or were comics better drawn, more clearly drawn so you could see things? Many modern comics are so dark and confusing I can't make out what's going on. Or it could just have been white no internet and three TV stations back on ghe day I looked at the comics more.
    I do like it when you post these obscure items I literally haven't seen in forty years.

  2. I think it's a combination of things, Phil. Comics were unashamedly their own thing back then, not trying to be movies or novels in picture form. Also, I think we're more impressionable when we're younger, although I agree with you about most modern comics - I find it hard to generate any interest in them.


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